Jerry’s Jungle


Cool Plants For Cool People

Jerry’s Jungle Garden Center Albany GA

Jerry's Jungle Garden Center

Blooming size plants available for local pickup at our store

Branched, blooming size Brugmansia standards available during spring, summer and fall.


What are Angel Trumpets?

Brugmansia, also known as Angel Trumpet is a genus of seven species of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae. That’s the same family as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and chili peppers. Brugmansia are woody trees or shrubs, with large, pendulous flowers. They are all beautiful. Most are extremely fragrant.

Brugmansia is often confused with a close relative, Datura. Datura, or Devil’s Trumpet has herbaceous stems (not woody). I have often heard it said that you can tell the difference with this old saying: “Angel Trumpets blow DOWN from heaven. Devil Trumpets blow UP from hell.”

Jerry's Jungle Garden Center Albany, GA

The difference between Angel Trumpet (Brugmansia) and Devil Trumpet (Datura).

Like many common ornamental plants, all parts of Brugmansia can be toxic. All seven species of Brugmansia are listed as Extinct in the Wild by the IUCN Red List. 

In their native areas and locations free from frost, Brugmansia can grow to a height of 36 feet. Usually they won’t grow that tall in most of the United States. South Florida is an exception.Brugmansias are divided in to warm and cold groups.  Most of the US will grow the warm group. Cold groups don’t fare well with hot US summers. Even the cold group brugmansias are must be protected from frost.

Get in Touch



Jerry’s Jungle Garden Center
612 West Roosevelt Ave
Albany, GA


M-F:  10am – 3pm
S-S: 9am – 2pm

Jerry’s Jungle Garden Center
612 W Roosevelt Avenue
Albany GA 31701

3 + 2 =

Whatever you are, be a good one.

~William Makepeace Thackeray ~

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