Dean McDowell Philodendron 8″ Pot



Plants are in 8″ pots. Pots may be removed for shipping to protect leaves. They will be shipped like a baby – with soft padding and wrapped in paper.

The rare Philodendron McDowell has large, heart shaped leaves such prominent lateral veins that they appear quilted.

McDowells grow along the soil’s surface, so they never get very tall.

They are also easy to grow. Treat it well, and a new leaf will unfurl about every 4-6 weeks:

Place in bright filtered light; East, West, or South-facing windowsills are best.
Whatever you do, don’t overwater. Water only when the topsoil is dry to the touch.
Being a terrestrial creeper, use a rich organic potting mix that is also airy and well-draining. We like using an indoor potting mix with perlite, orchid bark, and charcoal.
Keep humidity levels between 65-75% – use a humidifier if needed.
Average room temperates are fine.
Fertilize to boost growth. Use a liquid houseplant fertilizer monthly during the growing season.


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