Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’
In early summer, ‘Angelina’ has terminal clusters of star-shaped, vibrant yellow flowers. The drooping buds face upward when they open and the plant can grow to 6 inches tall and 12 inches wide. It is superlative as a groundcover, spilling over rock walls, and in containers.
Plant Type: Perennials
Plant Height: Under 6 inches
Plant Seasonal Interest: Spring Interest
We sell in 6 packs, but if you need a special order of flats (72) or half flats (36), contact us.
We are a licensed Georgia Department of Agriculture Live Plant Grower. License #39793
Conditional Warranty: Warranty is limited to guarantee that plants will arrive safely and in good and healthy condition, and is conditioned on Seller receiving prompt notice (within 24 hours of delivery) of any problem with the condition accompanied by photo validation.
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